As a Personal Trainer it is often a complete mystery who your next client is going to be and to see just how much you can influence someone’s life.

In the image below you’ll see a review by Nathan Beebe, a client of both mine and Coach V (mostly Coach V these days)

Nathan is a character and not someone you initially think “this guy will be a great client and will make wonderful progress as a client…and I’ll really get on with him (despite regularly being with clients whenever we try and catch up!)”

I mean most of the time he is audibly telling the barbell to “fuck off.”

Nathan was actually at a former gym I worked in and I quote “never saw me smile and didn’t really like me.”

This taught me that:

1) even if you think you are a super fun guy your face can tell a completely different story

2) People are always watching. Body language is far more powerful than many people realise

When I started at Firehouse Fitness Leeds Nathan was one of the first people I saw.

I greeted him with a warm smile. I was surprised to see him as I knew he hated the gym.

Over the coming weeks and months I watched him train and move as did Coach V.

We would suggest changes he could make to his training. Generally tried to make him laugh and have the best possible experience on the gym floor.

Don’t I sound like the nicest guy in the world?

It’s all a selfish act really. Happy clients selfishly make my work place far more fun and enjoyable and therefore motivating.

Eventually Nathan decided to come to my powerlifting club a few times meaning I could sort out a few other things about his lifting because that’s what I do!

Through further encouragement and most importantly listening we have gradually seen Nathan’s training come on leaps and bounds.

What has been wonderful to see is now Nathan talks to everyone on the gym floor as well as getting some awesome training done.

Coach V provides the programme, I provide the verbal abuse from afar.

You never know where your next client is going to come from. So encourage everyone to be better.

Help people who look like they are struggling.

If you can help someone with their lifting technique and you are qualified then help said person!

It doesn’t matter if they don’t listen. If you throw enough shit at a wall at least some of it will stick.

In this analogy the shit is your wonderful helpful advice.

Provide help and encouragement in abundance. Provide clear information about your services. Remember you are always being watched.

Your next client might be someone like Nathan. Who once upon a time thought I was a miserable bastard.

Don’t look like a miserable bastard. This also helps.

Thank you for reading! And most importantly thank you to Nathan!

If you have any hate mail for me you can email me to the address Thanks guys!